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Nkasa Rupara National Park

Mamili was officially proclaimed on 1 March 1990, just days before Namibia gained Independence. The name of the park refers to the seven chiefs of that name who, since 1864, have ruled over the Mafwe…

Naute Recreation Resort

The Naute Recreation Resort surrounds Namibia’s second largest dam, the Naute. The dam was constructed from 1970 to 1972 to capture the Löwen River and its tributaries, which later feed into the Fish River. The…

Namib-Naukluft Park

Namibia’s largest conservation area contains some of the country’s most iconic attractions: towering sand dunes at Sossusvlei, the imposing canyon at Sesriem, forgotten shipwrecks and ghost towns along the icy Atlantic coast, stark inselbergs and…

Mudumu National Park

Mudumu National Park, one of Namibia’s least-known parks, is richly rewarding for adventurous visitors. The main attraction is the riverine habitat of the Kwando River, while inland the Mudumu Mulapo fossilised river course and the…

Mangetti National Park

Mangetti is part of a new generation of parks aimed at reducing rural poverty through tourism development, joint management and benefit sharing with local communities. One of Namibia’s latest national parks, it has the potential…

Khaudum National Parks

“Khaudum National Park was established with conservation in mind, and not for cash generation. This simple guiding characteristic gave birth to the true wilderness feel that embraces one’s soul when visiting the park. It is…

Heiße Quellen Groß-Barmen

Eine rheinische Missionsstation wurde hier 1844 als eine der ersten Missionsstationen Namibias gegründet. Die deutschen Missionare nannten es Neo Barmen, nach Barmen, dem Sitz der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft in Deutschland. Gross-Barmen liegt 25 km westlich von…

Gross-Barmen Hot Springs

A Rhenish mission station was established here in 1844 as one of Namibia’s earliest mission stations. The German missionaries named it Neo Barmen after Barmen, the headquarters of the Rhenish Mission Society in Germany. Situated…


Dieses Gebiet ist als Anglerparadies bekannt, in dem Kabeljou, Galjoen und Steenbras die begehrtesten Arten sind. Aber sie enthält auch einige Überraschungen. Nördlich von Wlotzkasbaken und Cape Cross finden sich ausgedehnte Flechtenfelder, während im Messum-Krater…

Dorob National Park

This area is known as an angler’s paradise, with kabeljou, galjoen and steenbras the most prized species. But it also contains a few surprises. Extensive lichen fields are found north of Wlotzkasbaken and Cape Cross,…

Daan Viljoen Wildpark

Nur 24 km westlich von Windhoek liegt ein Schutzgebiet für eine relativ große Population von Wildarten, die für das namibische Hochland typisch sind. Der Park wurde noch vor der Unabhängigkeit ausgerufen, um das Ökosystem des…

Daan Viljoen Game Park

Just 24 km west of Windhoek lies a sanctuary for a relatively large population of game species typical of Namibia’s highlands. Proclaimed before Independence to preserve the ecosystem of the Khomas Hochland, the park was…

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