When you travel one of the best ways to experience local culture, and to get a sense of what a country is really all about, is to try the food. A traveller who does not eat adventurously will not really be travelling adventurously and with that, let’s take a look at some of Namibia’s most popular and distinctive food.
(Image via Changes in Longitude)
What’s your flavour?
Are you a local or have you been to Namibia before? We haven’t included all the local treats you can find in Namibia, so let us know what your favourite food was/is in the comment section below if it’s not in the list.

If you are exploring Katatura in Windhoek then you have to try some of the local vendors’ famous Kapana. This meal is traditionally raw beef cooked on an open flame. It is authentic, quick to prepare and also inexpensive. It is a delicious slice of Namibian culture all in one meal.
Namibian Oysters
Namibian Oysters are some of the finest molluscs in the world. This is largely thanks to the cool Benguela current that flows past the Skeleton Coast. From Swakopmund to Luderitz be sure to tuck into some of these delicious treats at any of the local restaurants along the way.
Fresh Kabeljou
Kabeljou (Silver Cob) is a large fish that is excellent for eating. It can be caught all along the Namibian coast but one of the best places to get fresh fish at a restaurant is in Walvis Bay at the Raft, a restaurant that overlooks the bay. If however, you want to catch your own fish then we recommend heading to Henties Bay and spending a few days fishing there.
Game Biltong
Biltong is a dried meat snack that is famous throughout southern Africa and in Namibia, the making and eating of this food is practically a national pastime. Where Namibia excels is in making delicious game biltong, particularly kudu, gemsbok (oryx), springbok and eland. If you’re unfamiliar with biltong check out this website. Game biltong can be found pretty much all over the country, so keep your eyes peeled on your travels.
Luderitz Crayfish
There are loads of things to do and see in the laidback coastal town of Luderitz, but few of these things are as colourful (or delicious!) as the annual crayfish festival. The festival usually takes place in the middle of the year and attendees can explore the sights of the historic little town whilst enjoying the locally prepared cuisine.
The omajowa is a wild giant mushroom found across Namibia. The mushrooms predominantly grow in termite mines and grow to enormous sizes, with diameters of up to 50cm not uncommon. You can often find vendors on the side of the road in rural areas selling these delicacies after the first summer rains of the season, but supply is limited and they are hotly desired items across the country- so be quick! The mushrooms are used in much the same way as any other mushroom is, but a particularly popular way to eat them is simply pan-fried in butter.